The HLT portal is a French-speaking portal dedicated to human language technologies both in the written and spoken domain. This portal aims to further enhance the HLT field, to provide information about the members of the HLT community, to clarify HLT issues and to alert the HLT community to the principal scientific, technological, industrial and normative developments.

This portal presents validated and up-to-date sources of information.

It is aimed at two types of user:
newcomers to the field of natural language processing, i.e. persons or organisations who wish to identify resources, products, technology providers and research centres or who wish to acquire basic knowledge of the field current players who wish to obtain specific information.
Obviously, this portal will be open to everyone who wishes to know more about HLT.

The portal will cover several sectors and geographical areas (French-speaking countries, the European Union, the USA, Japan). Moreover, it will present the field of written and spoken language processing, current issues and applications, an overview of industrial and technological tenders i.e. calls for bids and proposals, etc. is a project funded within the inter-ministerial Technolangue programme.

The partners in this project are:
  • AFCP (Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée),
  • AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation),
  • APIL (Associations des Professionnels des Insdustries de la langue),
  • ATALA (Association pour le Traitement automatiquedes langues),
  • CRIS (Centre de Recherche en Information Spécialisée et en médiation des savoirs, Université Paris X),
  • ELDA (Agence Européenne pour l'Evaluation et la Distribution des Ressources Linguistiques).

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